Libya's warlord Khalifa Haftar's mlitias and Russian Wagner mercenaries, have killed more than 1,000 people in their attack against Libya's internationally recognized government in capital Tripoli. Displaced civilians by force, mines and mass graves have been found by the government forces in Tripol and Tarhuna. 
Libyan Center for Mine Clearance and War Remnants said that landmines planted by Haftar's militia had killed 39 civilians and injured at least 100 others, including women and children. More than 400,000 civilians have been displaced by the war, and many of them cannot return to their homes due to mines, Liam Kelly of the Danish Demining Group, an NGO working in the country, told Anadolu Agency. On June 20, the Libyan army announced that since June 5, some 190 bodies have been found in hospitals and mass graves in Tarhuna and areas south of the capital Tripoli. The UN Human Rights Council on Monday passed a resolution ordering a fact-finding mission to Libya in order to document violations and abuses committed since 2016.