BURA and INSAMER are organizing a 5-week workshop series to have a closer look at the Muslim world.
The regions that are outnumbered by Muslim population and moulded by Islamic religious traditions are dynamic places where the long-established accumulations of the Islamic civilization refracted into diverse social structures and political situations. Knowing about the various dynamics of this geography and approaching its issues more holistically will provide a better and clearer perspective not only to understand its past and present, but also lay ground for making much sounder analysis concerning its future.
The schedule is as follows :
1st Week: Emin Emin
Political Faultlines in the Balkans
2nd Week: Riad Domazeti
Competition Between Iran and Saudi and the Future of the Region
3rd Week: Emrin Çebi
Minority Problems in the South Asia: Arakan Case
4th Week: Mukerrem Miftah
Identity Crisis in Africa
5th Week: Burak Çalışkan
Russian Policy from Ukraine to Syria and the Muslims
March 19-May 14, 2018